1) right about (to be right about smt.)
2) right in (you were right in assuming that)
3) right to + inf. (it was right of her to refuse = she was right to refuse)
4) right that + clause (it's not right that they should be treated in that manner)
5) (misc.) all right; just right; she is the right person for the job = she is right for the job (colloq.); to be in one's right mind ('to be sane'); to put things right ('to straighten things out')
that which is due
1) to achieve, gain a right (to achieve full civil rights)
2) to enjoy, exercise, have a right
3) to assert, claim a right
4) to protect. safeguard smb.'s rights
5) to abdicate, relinquish, renounce, sign away, waive a right
6) to deny (smb.) a right
7) a divine; exclusive, sole; inalienable; inherent; legal; natural; vested right
8) civil; conjugal consumers'; film; grazing; human; individual mineral; patients'; political; property; squatters' states'; veterans'; voting; women's rights
9) the right of assembly; asylum; a free press; free speech
10) a right to (the right to privacy)
11) the right to + inf. (the right to exist; you have the right to remain silent)
12) within one's rights
13) (misc.) a bill of rights
right side
14) on, to the right
conservative group
15) the extreme, far right
punch delivered with the right hand
16) to deliver, throw a right
17) a hard, stiff right
18) a right to (a right to the jaw)
turn to the right
19) to take a right
20) in the right ('in accordance with the truth, accepted standards'); she has a promising career in her own right; as of (BE), by right ('properly'); by right of (by right of conquest); right and wrong; within one's rights (you are within your rights not to answer); by rights ('ideally')